
Poolagirl - 2005-01-07 12:28:53
Did you stop at those awful places for stale sandwiches and warm soda too? Lucky you!
Magus - 2005-01-07 14:58:32
I love the bus. I used to take it home to halifax (20+ hour bus ride! take that!) all the time. Also, what Umberto Eco book? I finished Foucault's Pendulum a couple months ago and enjoyed it greatly.
dfirefly - 2005-01-08 22:43:54
I have taken a bus trip yet. You have discouraged me. Also, RUN LIKE HELL FROM UMBERTO ECO. *coughs nervously* Actually, I was thinking of re-reading one of his books. So, like Magus, I want to know which one. But, you know, run like hell, an' all that.

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