
griselda - 2004-10-14 20:09:59
Wahhhh, we don't get a fall break! *envies*
dfirefly - 2004-10-14 20:57:21
I liked it when Kerry said something along the lines of "illegal hiring is against the law in the United States." Isn't Bush supposed to be the one saying stuff like that? xD
Nicole - 2004-10-14 21:06:28
Thanks, my mangotastic one. *hug*
Cookie - 2004-10-15 08:48:50
It just seemed like they (Kerry and Bush) were totally avoiding the questions that were asked of them and instead just talked smack about one another. Pathetic. How in the WORLD did we end up with those two to choose from? Also, those fruit-filled shortbread cookies? Are you talking about the ones that come in the light yellow packaging? If so, they are the BEST COOKIES EVER. :)
skibigsky - 2004-10-15 13:44:33
Derek Jeter? Well, at least then you'd be able to get that golden flute that you've been dreaming about! *grin.
abacinate - 2004-10-16 00:17:23
haha i wrote an entry (in LJ) just like that about the debates the other night and even talked about missing howard dean! maybe i'll post on it d-land tonight or something. i guess a lot of people are thinking the same thing.
trace - 2004-10-16 05:38:46
Very nice blog you have here..glad I wandered in.

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