
dr J - 2004-08-05 10:56:30
rant city! Yeaaahh! Meanwhile, Ukrainian candy...what is it? And mm pierogies (see, I spelled them your way this time).
Tari - 2004-08-05 11:38:44
Mangofarmer, you ROCK MY WORLD!!!!!
Sarah Lynn - 2004-08-05 12:02:06
Hahahahaa holy shit. That's a great entry.
Pandionna - 2004-08-05 13:12:16
Best entry you've ever written, my dear.
Carley - 2004-08-05 15:54:55
Hence the T-shirt, "Well-behaved women rarely make history." :)
shitballs - 2004-08-05 18:42:08
ok, i didn't feel like reading your entry today (boring as usual), but kerry and edwards are gonna pass through my BACKYARD soon. should i throw rocks???? :D YAY BUSH! WOOOOOOOO!
berta - 2004-08-05 21:08:24
Awesome entry. I may have to link to it as a favorite ever. hehe *cricket noises* "To The Bat Diaryland entry page!"
griselda - 2004-08-05 23:21:28
mangoprawns - 2004-08-06 10:04:13
now i understand everything. you will go down in history as a great mango. this page will get more hits than britney spears.

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