
berta - 2004-06-10 12:04:32
YAY for sara the MFer
dr J - 2004-06-10 12:18:38
Woot Woot! Congrats, you crazy blogger, you!
Unbelievably Clueless - 2004-06-10 14:52:17
Anonymous internet stalker-type? I'm sure you can do better than that, Andrew. Eeeew. I come here for the's like one giant puzzle trying to get inside this girl's mind--and MAN, it's f*cking dark in here! Have any good works been performed by this "Esmerelda"? Hmmmm?
Christina - 2004-06-10 17:10:22
Happy 1000th entry! This calls for a celebration. I'm off to the bar now. To celebrate.
cathie - 2004-06-10 19:27:47
I don't hate Andrew. *sniff*
Aaron - 2004-06-10 22:37:10
It's a sickness, what you have. 1000 entries is just wrong. Sick and wrong. But highly entertaining...
Sandra - 2004-06-11 06:00:41
Congratulations! *throws confetti* 1000 entries... that's... wow!
JD - 2004-06-12 00:14:16
Congrats!! :D
Tari - 2004-06-14 16:03:20
OhmygoodnessImissedyour1000thentry!! Wow. I'm so impressed. You can measure your entries in Ks now, as in, "Yeah, I'm on 1k-and-3." How cool is THAT? See you on 2k.

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