
dfirefly - 2003-11-02 21:52:03
Cliff notes... are evil.
yayimsober - 2003-11-03 01:54:42
not as evil as reading this damn diary word for word. Oh the bloodshotosity! Mangogeek, did I mention I'm using your diary in my arsenal of GRE Verbal study guides? I do not read. Ever. I have the vocabulario of a chipmunk. Thank you for using big words occasionally. Although I think some of your big words are made up and will only screw with my head when GRE time comes. Then I will hunt you down and break your flute over your computer. Or something.
Sarah - 2003-11-03 12:25:37
Poor yayimsober, I feel your pain. The GRE sucks major ass, especially when you have a huge migraine while taking it. Actually, you may be surprised to learn that I did better on the math section or one of the math sections. Or something. It was weird.

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