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Weekend Update!
2003-11-02 - 6:40 p.m.

Stupendously Long Weekend Update

Yowza. Where to begin?

-Well, Friday night after orchestra, I had every intention of going to the music geek Halloween party. I even toyed with the idea of dressing up, although my only costume idea was "Hooker With a Fugly '70s Throwback Scarf on Her Head That Doesn't Match Her Blue Eyeshadow and Fire Engine Red Lipstick Because She Doesn't Own a Pink Boa and She Needed a Splash of Color to Liven Up the Little Black Dress and the Vegas Whore Shoes". Um, yeah. Uh. I certainly did not dress up in such a manner at all. Yeah. Because someone called me and said people generally weren't dressing up at this party. Oh well. After I *ahem* did not remove that getup, I believe some silly freshman-esque (have I explained how 95% of undergraduates now look like freshmen to me?) boy knocked on my door and said "Hey, what's up? Is this Will's place?" I said no. The poor boy looked so confused. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

-Anyway, at some point after that I fell asleep and was dead to the world. Apparently I have a limited window of suitable drinking time. How sad. At any rate, random people kept calling and trying to get me to go to the party. Random people kept calling me all weekend. But that's okay. People don't usually call me.

-Saturday morning involved a marathon cleandown of my apartment because, through an awesome convergence of bad planning and bad carrots (eww), both my mom and a friend from undergrad (of the band geek variety, of course) came to visit me this weekend. Band Buddy also brought a coworker with her. He used to live in Gradschoolville. Anyway, we went out to lunch. Then we went to the zoo. Yay! Gradschoolville Zoo! Unfortunately, it seemed like they replaced many of the zoo animals with garden variety squirrels... or maybe the squirrels ate the zoo animals!! AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! Squirrels are, of course, evil. Anyway, the poor lion looked so sad. I couldn't decide if he was dreaming of the life in Africa that he's never known, or if he was dreaming about eating the little kids that were ogling him. *sigh* What if this whole planet is a zoo or something? Like in the Matrix?

-Oh. Band Buddy was not to be convinced to attend a football game here. So.. I... didn't..... go..... to...... the......... game............ *sob* Not going to a home game here is like a Bible beater missing church.

-I just compared myself to a Bible beater. Amazing. It must be my "Keep America Beautiful: Return the Bushes to Texas" shirt. No, wait, that doesn't have anything to do with Bible beaterism. I just thought I'd share.

-Anyway, so I got back to Casa de Mangofarmer and listened to the rest of game as I read ethnomusicology. I need to get my priorities straightened (By the way, one out of three majorly evil Florida college football teams lost yesterday. One out of three ain't bad.)

-After that, ma mere et moi ordered Japanese. Yes, Japanese delivery. Amazing. It was good.

-This morning, my mommy bought me a McGriddle. And she took me to the grocery store. Now I have lots of ramen. Yay.

-Band Buddy, Band Buddy's Coworker, and I then had smoothies. I enjoy smoothies. Particularly mango-flavored ones.

-Then it was orchestra concert time. I don't think Elgar was rolling in his grave too quickly. It was a decent concert, aided by the fact that I was accidently wearing a padded bra. Okay, maybe that wasn't so accidental. Sometimes clean black normal bras are hard to come by. TMI much? Oh well.

-Band Buddy and Coworker left, my mom is leaving tomorrow morning, and then Former Full Time Shoe Girl is coming to visit me sometime tomorrow. Apparently she has been on a marathon tour of the region the past week or so. But of course, she did quit Sizz-ears for a real job. Yay for her.

I think that about does it. It is going to be a busy-ass week, followed by an even busier-ass week. But Flute Student's mom called a little while ago. Flute Student wants an hour lesson this week. 30 bucks for me! Yay! Money is good. Otherwise I'm about to go join the guitar player that was playing on the street earlier today. I do have that flute and guitar duet and all. :)

Have a lovely evening everyone. :)


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