
Colleen - 2003-10-17 15:36:31
When you start cleaning up the pigsty, think of me and my rambuxious (bad spelling) mess. Mine is a huge barnyard...Think however, there should be a party with this..Remember once in a while have a 10 minute of just chilling and relaxing....and crack up that music of that marching band and you go girl....YOu are the coolest beans ever............
Andrew - 2003-10-17 15:46:09
Craptacular football? Does this mean, non-GradSchool team football?
Sarah - 2003-10-17 16:22:27
It means Bumblefuck football. Silly Andrew.
dfirefly - 2003-10-17 21:04:33
Thanks, I got home all right. :) My friend, on the other hand.. well, we haven't heard from her yet. Getting kinda worried. And I am not a Yanks fan. Then again, I am not a deity. Please feel free to hit me over the head with a baseball bat.
Wench - 2003-10-18 14:47:23
Mmmm book fetish... I'm with you - if I didn't live in a room with +500 books, it would feel empty. They're just so comforting or something.

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