
skibigsky - 2003-09-11 09:56:19
While yes, I think that some basic technical elements that you need to know before you start teaching, but I'm guessing that you know these. And a lot of teaching is trial and error. You try something, and it doesn't work. So you try something else, and maybe it works. Over time, you develop a bigger 'bag of tricks' that you know works. I'd say go for it - you may find yourself learning more than you thought you would. And I wouldn't worry about the passion for teaching - if you really like playing the flute, and want to see other people get as much of a kick out of it as you do, that's all the passion you need. At least, that's how I felt about skiing, and I loved teaching skiing. (Now how's that for a nice preachy entry?)
dfirefly - 2003-09-11 14:59:23
Thinking is evil. You should know that by now. But but but, you should tutor! You and your mad amazing flute skillz! And, just to be safe, I wish you a little bit of good luck.

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