
Pandionna - 2003-08-24 23:37:21
Happy birthday! Odd years are better than even, I think. And 23 is a really, really good one. One in which the world is your oyster. Hugs!
dr j - 2003-08-25 00:24:06
I remembered, too! It's just that I have strep throat and haven't been on the computer all day b/c I've been madly trying to translate Greek with what little brain power I have remaining. Hope you had a good one. Enjoy your birthday week! *kisses*
skibigsky - 2003-08-25 13:59:02
Happy belated birthday!
Colleen - 2003-08-25 17:26:20
Happy Birthday to you....I am sorry I am so late...I knew it was your birthday but My head wasn't screwed on...HA ...Sorry for the lateness. Happy Birthday girl.......

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