
Lola - 2003-08-20 21:10:28
Whee! I'm so happy you made it there. Sounds like you'll have a hella good time.
Dr. J. - 2003-08-20 21:38:01
Oh, you'll be glad eventually. Grad school is all about the seminar class. You will rock it and you will not be shy forever! (This from someone who has always been a gregarious and obnoxious class discussion dominatrix, mind you. But still.) WOW You are so awesome! Happy first day!
Cathie - 2003-08-20 21:58:55
Epitome? *shrugs* Anyway, I suggest the convent from "The Sound of Music." You'll get a lovely Austrian husband out of it, if I understand these things properly.
Aaron - 2003-08-21 00:47:00
Cathie - Our good Mangofarmer was too excited by her EPIPHANY to remember the correct spelling...and to Ms. Mango - Eating cookie dough is not a good thing...nor is the three bowls of Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch I just downed for this evening's very late supper. I shall explode. And you're my hero for braving grad school and passing your tests, even if they did land you in harder classes.
Julie - 2003-08-21 02:52:19
"Sweet, innocent band geeks?" Hmm, through all my years of geekness, I was the only innocent one- a fact which everybody else found amusing. (Favorite band trip activity: Seeing who could make Julie blush the reddest after explaining dirty jokes.) Oh well, maybe I just live in a wormhole of probablity?
Sandra - 2003-08-21 07:06:45
Whatever you do to get money, do *not* take up teaching little children! Believe someone who tried to teach two 'nice little boys' acceptable English for more than a year: You can be lucky and get a kid who is friendly and willing to learn, but you're more likely to end up with a nervous breakdown and the wish to strangle them. Not that I want to discourage you ;)
skibigsky - 2003-08-21 10:42:45
I absolutely agree with Sandra - I actually have a height requirement for teaching skiing - if they are less than 3 feet tall, someone else can teach them. (heehee) And if you find a convent with a good ski resort next door, let me know...
Sarah - 2003-08-21 16:22:08
Hmmm. I blame the heat for my stupid spelling and/or use of wrong words. :)

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