
Elana the Uber Tool - 2003-08-18 21:11:52
I've decided you need a kitten stowaway in your apartment. I'll give you three.
Elana the Uber Tool - 2003-08-18 21:12:40
I've decided you need a kitten stowaway in your apartment. I'll give you three.
cath - 2003-08-18 21:48:05
I can't send mail to grad schoolian snailmailbox until I have the grad schoolian snailmailing address.
Paige - 2003-08-18 22:04:37
This is your diary entry #666. Muahahaha!
Colleen - 2003-08-19 09:32:21
Thanks so much for the hug. I needed it. You def need to make another survey.........

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