
Dizzie6283 - 2003-07-22 00:34:25
I definately commited Journal Theft & stole your was a good time :)
Elana the Angry - 2003-07-22 03:41:58
*points* Adrien Brody hater! PLBTH!! :P***
Andrew - 2003-07-22 10:26:04
I think you need to bump up your interesting level. This site wouldn't be as incredibly popular and fun to read if you weren't one of the most interesting people I've ever stumbled upon.
KFH - 2003-07-22 10:31:32
What is this disliking yourself for not having a license?!? As a fellow non-driver I think you are forgetting the good stuff, like never having to pick people up at the airport.

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