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Rant, out of nowhere
2003-03-25 - 9:06 p.m.

I am in the mood to be controversial for some reason. So here are some things:

-I respect your right to be a Republican. So be a Republican. Go to the polls each November and vote for Republicans. To each his/her own. But you will NEVER convince me to convert to your evil ways. ;) In third grade, we were learning about elections, as 1988 was an election year. Our class participated in some sort of mock election, the results of which were published in Weekly Reader. How kids that young can know anything about making an informed decision about politics is beyond me. So, naturally, I "voted" for Bush the First because I could not spell Dukakis. When I told my dad about this, he laughed (my dad never laughs). So everytime after that if we were driving in the car and he was flipping through radio stations, he'd stop on whatever station was unfortunate enough to be carrying the obnoxious diatribes of Rush "Windblow" (I think maybe you know who I mean) and say, "Hey Sarah, it's your buddy!" As I got older I began to understand what Mr. "Windblow" was saying. I didn't like it one bit. I began to see that many of my friends shared some of the same views. It occurred to me that maybe they didn't understand why they "thought" the way they did. Maybe they weren't thinking at all- maybe they were just recycling things they heard from their parents or from their church. Hell, maybe I just took my dad's derision of my lack of spelling ability (you are talking to the fifth grade spelling champion) to mean that I should, God forbid, open my ears and my mind and make informed decisions about things? And yet, I found it very interesting that once we all turned 18, the frequency of their voting was sporadic, or non-existent. This confuses me.

-I am a firm believer in the fact that you do not have to join a fraternity or sorority to have fun in college. I think the idea is good. Brotherhood. Sisterhood. Service. That sort of thing. I think Greek letters just look cool. But I'm afraid this noble ideals have a tendency of getting lost in a sea of beer and black pants. Perhaps I am wrong to let the entire (ahem, yes I said *entire*) "greek" system fall into a ubiquitous stereotype, like something every comic strip out of the campus newspaper has featured at one point or another. They're not all like that. Not all the time. For every positive thing they do to fix their image, there is the snooty bitch from the Place-That-Must-Not-Be-Named, cell phone glued to her ear with one hand, tiny Gucci handbag in the other, filled with only the essentials- keys to daddy's SUV, fake I.D., and the number of whatever sleazy frat boy she picked up in the bar the night before.

-Basketball. I hate it. But this really isn't a serious issue. My hatred for this "sport" stems from what I perceive to be a major childhood trauma. But whatever. And pep band? It's just silly. You just sit there and play stupid loud music. You don't even march! :-P Hehe but you know, in my creation story down there (why basketball is evil), I think if some people knew who I was dissing, I might be dragged out into the street and killed by a barrage of moldy oranges, thrown in the general direction of my head. That's enough about that.

-In real life, I am really quiet. Most people don't ever see past that. Also, diploma and book learning to the contrary, I'm really quite stupid. And I'm a pushover. If I ever manage to have a coherent thought of my own, and get the guts to voice my opinion, I am so easily swayed by a well-thought out argument (excepting of course ones that are pro-Republican, pro-basketball, or pro-brussels sprouts- I hate those), that it's not ever funny. So, in short, I'm a silly little geek who has no clue about most things. But I am a silly little geek who likes to write in this diary, and sometimes I talk about things like I pretend to know something about them. Like this rant out of nowhere right now. But it's a diary. If I offend anyone, I'm deeply sorry. You can yell at me or stop reading as the case may be. But this is what I think (or not think) and if you don't like it, tough noogies. Please feel free to take the two aforementioned courses of action at your leisure. But I don't take criticism well, so I might cry. Just letting you know. ;)

-I've been ignoring God for quite a while. Maybe this doesn't matter. Maybe there is no God. But I think (yes, another opinion here) that maybe there is. There has to be Something. In third grade (obviously a pivotal year for me), we had the nicest old lady for a religion teacher. Rather than the tyranical, ancient, raisiny-looking nun the previous year, who threatened us with the fear of a vengeful, Boogeyman-esque God who would hide under our beds and jump out to terrorize us in the middle of the night if we did not take our First Communions, this sweet old lady showed us a different God. A loving God.

So what am I getting at? We had that religion teacher for the next two years. I remember taking a tour of the church choir loft when the first Gulf War broke out. I was 10. I just prayed for the war to end. My point is, no matter what my silly little thoughts are about the current war, I think I just want it to end. I want the Supreme Shrub-like Buttmunch to stop thinking of God as a right-wing Boogeyman. Bleeding heart liberalism looks much better on Him, I think.

-What else can I rant about? Oh. This isn't a rant, but I keep forgetting an instance that made my stupid, dull job a bit more bearable. Last week, a lady and her three girls were in to get the youngest her first pair of shoes. The girls were quiet, sweet, and well-behaved, and the look on the baby's face when she toddled over to her mama in her new shoes... well, you know. It made my ovaries skip a beat.

Ewwww. Never let me say that again.

-With few exceptions, don't diss my music. My taste in popular music is not overly trendy, or cool, or emo, or whatever you kids are calling it these days. And yes, I am a music major. Which means I listen to classical music for fun! Yes, I am a band geek. Which means I was in marching band eight years longer than normal people (who aren't usually ever in marching band at all, but I think you got that). So if you want to start somethin', bitch, I am armed with a piccolo and a Lynyrd Skynyrd CD, and I know how to use them. So step off.

Well, I think that's it for the venting. We now return to your regularly scheduled diary entry full of pointless drivel about nothing.


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