
Magus - 2005-01-31 19:31:20
This is the year of my 10-year reunion and I so very much want to go, even though high school was pretty crummy when I was there the first time.
skibigsky - 2005-01-31 20:53:20
While I really never want to have anything to do with anything from high school ever again (well, there are a couple of faculty members that I still talk to, but I was sort of a weird kid, went to a boarding school, and well, erm, nevermind), I LOVE getting my school's snooty alumni magazine every quarter, because it allows me to revel in the fact that my life is so much better than that of these poor fools who went to work for Daddy's company right out of college/business school and have 3 kids, one wife, an ex-wife, and mortgage payments up the wazoo. Trust me. It's worth it. Because when life looks bleakest, the alumni magazine arrives, and life looks so much better again! (Besides, nothing more fun that telling your alumni group when you get your Ph.D., and they have to address you as 'Doctor'.... REALLY!)
berta - 2005-02-02 14:39:25
Ugggggg - Moonpie cannot fix a brownie craving.

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