
zelda - 2004-11-04 21:12:48
Growing the tastiest-yet variety of mango? ;)
link - 2004-11-04 21:49:02
You'd make a great yacht captain.
Morgan - 2004-11-05 00:54:19
Make the world sing in perfect harmony?
Aaron - 2004-11-05 12:26:29
Thank you for shopping! You're in good company...half a day after the Bush Survival Bible went up there have been five orders for it! Give the people what they want...
Josephine - 2004-11-05 12:53:59

Aaron - 2004-11-05 14:08:35
Sadly the majority population of "Jesusland" holds beliefs strictly at odds with Jesus' teachings. If there really WAS a country which followed what Jesus taught it'd be the finest nation on earth, pretty much regardless of one's own faith. But we do tend to screw it all up, don't we?
Pandionna - 2004-11-05 14:33:06
I was wondering what was going to happen to that counter. I would put it up on my own page but I'm afraid it would be too depressing for a lot of folks who read my diary. ;-)
Emu-Head - 2004-11-05 16:38:09
Heh heh, Jesusland. Too funny. You're still welcome to move to the Canada, Mangofarmer. I'll take you in under my wing. But it doesn't really matter where you go, Dubya is still gonna affect you in some way.
Sarah - 2004-11-05 18:21:50
That picture is going on my template. Danke.

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