
skibigsky - 2004-10-20 13:22:43
I'm glad that I'm not having a big frou-frou wedding - or I'd be sorely tempted! ;-D
dfirefly - 2004-10-21 03:58:06
My sister had those at her wedding.. except they were cheap knock-off brands. And let me tell you, that was NOT a big frou-frou wedding. :D
Cookie - 2004-10-21 08:14:13
Ha! My mom got some waffles yesterday at the grocery store - waffles AND pancakes AND blueberry bagels. That woman really must love me.
Cookie - 2004-10-21 08:14:39
Ha! My mom got some waffles yesterday at the grocery store - waffles AND pancakes AND blueberry bagels. That woman really must love me.

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