
Make it Saturday again - 2004-09-28 19:34:46
Boobs are useless. Ebay them. Then go to the mall and buy a nice flute from Claire's or something. (I don't know malls very well...)
Lola - 2004-09-28 19:36:55
This is just a suggestion since I'm not too knowledgeable about such things.. but maybe giving your flute a good cleaning would help you get better sooner? I remember way back in school band we were supposed to boil our mouthpieces to get rid of germs and bacteria.. maybe your flute is similarly contaminated with sick germs and won't let you get better. {:) xo
Raarrrr - 2004-09-28 19:38:15
My flute could use a cleaning Lola. ;)
Dr. Skibigsky - 2004-09-29 12:22:00
(The Dr. thing is pseudo-subliminal messaging,...*grin). A thought. Why don't you offer Flute Student's father a 'deal' - pay for 10 lessons in advance, and you'll give 'em the 11th one free (or 5 lessons, the 6th free, whatever you want). The only catch is that you've got a 24-hour cancellation policy - if the cancel with less than 24-hours notice, or they just don't show up, you are already paid for the lesson, and you count it toward the 11 that you are giving them. Seriously. Think about it - it works pretty well, because people get all psyched thinking they are getting a free lesson. And you get cash up front....

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