
Tari - 2003-12-30 14:47:27
Bwa-ha-ha-hahahahahahahahaha!!!!! The drawing is especially hilarious. Clearly, your brilliance isn't a new thing.
Cookie - 2003-12-30 15:44:10
Again, hilarious. I spit water out of my mouth this time, just so you know. My favorite this time around has to be: "Jan. 21, 1987 I love my man and dad." My two dads? Ha!
braedon - 2003-12-30 15:47:16
You obviously have a thing for Jenny.
Pandionna - 2003-12-30 15:56:41
What is green and red. Ummm...maybe that's a grasshopper with measles? Absolutely priceless. Nice teeth! Chomp, chomp.
Pandi again - 2003-12-30 16:00:51
You know, that drawing looks like the red-haired kid on the Partridge Family. But the Patridge Family was all grown up by then. Which brings me to another thought...When you were drawing those, I was a junior in college. COLLEGE.
dfirefly - 2003-12-30 18:08:00
once again: j00 r0X0r5 m/ 50X0r5.
Sarah Lynn - 2003-12-30 19:33:16
Holy shit this is great. Heheheheheheee.
Amber - 2003-12-30 20:01:49
Hee; I was directed here by Cookie. I laughed the hardest over this bit: "Today is St. Patrick's day. (drawing of a stick of broccoli?)" just the mental image did it. the drawing posted made me laugh, too. this makes me wish I had a diary in first grade to look back on :D
Cathie - 2003-12-30 21:06:05
On January 29, 1987, you claim you wrote "I like oinamals." But are you sure it's an O-I? Could it just be a very separated A? Same on February 18th with "coike."
ann - 2003-12-31 10:50:25
maybe the stick of broccoli is supposed to be a four-leaf clover??? this is all very revealing, i must say, very revealing. tell me more about your man and you father.

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