
dfirefly - 2003-12-05 20:32:55
I think my eyes are bleeding from reading that whole entry. Happy 800th, mangofarmer!
me too - 2003-12-05 21:08:34
Wish I could help dfirefly, but I'm still fresh out of Visine.
RunningOutta Names! - 2003-12-05 21:13:12
"I'm ready to give up on my wildest, craziest dream" Shame on you. Show me an abandoned dream, and I'll show you a sad, desolate life...a life filled with incessant what-coulda-been fantasies...fantasies that, when matched with the proper aspirations, guarantee fulfillment. Aside from Westleyish "truuuuu looooove," a fulfilled dream is the only other manner to steal a piece of experience on Earth. Dreams beget dreams beget dreams, Sarah. This I am void of doubt. "I know its supposed to suck." Sadly, yes. There is much suckage...and not the good kind. The W. brothas tried too hard to continue the Christian allegory. TM:Rel has much better action, not to mention Monica Bellucci. Hot....DAAAAAMMN! "Is it true you had a bit of an apostrophe a few days ago?" The name's Colon. Sigmoid colon. I am where all your shattered dreams end up if you don't keep them well fed with apostrophes. Period. (ok that was really bad) "Or something." This still annoys the fuck out of me. Please stop, I beg you. "get so lost into the music of Beethoven 9 that it just oozes out your very pores, and you don't know where the boundaries are between that silly little thing you call a "self" and the great amazing wonder fit into a little word called "music"?" I swear you paraphrased something from my diary exactly. And I don't give out my diary. Scary. "should have applied to the University of Life." I prefer moving from "Rockbottomville" to "Suburb of Utopia." "obbligato" bless you "Does "Nice shoes wanna fuck?" work as a pickup line on guys?" That is SUCH a cliche! You have no idea... "I'm a simple stupid naive little person" aren't we all... "full of lobsters" Lobsters are too big to swim in a fishbowl, year after year. Duh. Gah, enough commentary. Happy 800, and happy Xmas. I'm taking a break from Fairy Tale Land.
abacinate - 2003-12-05 22:19:44
you should be proud i worked through my short attention span problems and read that whole entry!
Acropolis - 2003-12-05 23:09:06
that is the longest update i have ever seen. holy craptasm! congrats on being more dedicated to diary-ing than I am :)
Sarah Lynn - 2003-12-06 00:08:50
Holy shit, this is the greatest entry I have ever read. It makes me want to become a better person. And I'm NOT being sarcastic either.
Sarah - 2003-12-06 12:54:58
Awww, don't go, Mr. RunningOutta Names! I promise not to be so long-winded in the future.
kristin - 2003-12-06 20:22:39
I think my head hurts now.

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