
dfirefly - 2003-10-25 19:24:53
roommate and i say "Detroit" now instead of Hell. ^.
Poolagirl - 2003-10-26 10:57:54
Detroit means hell? How funny! Reminds me of some French students I had working on an internship project with me a few years ago. The day after they arrived, we met and I asked them about the flight, Customs, etc. Pascal looked at me and said (phonics used here), "Day-Tra was absolutely hurrible." Spinning "Detroit" with a French pronunciation makes it sound really elegant! Go eat a McGriddle thing - you KNOW you want one!
The Abacinater - 2003-10-26 13:55:04
doing laundry is fun!! it just takes me a while to get to it!
Sarah - 2003-10-26 15:04:24
Of course I want a McGriddle. But unfortunately, my wallet does not want a McGriddle. How sad.
Sarah - 2003-10-26 16:11:24
just testing

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