
dfirefly - 2003-09-03 22:18:36
Be sure to get a black dumpster. Everyone knows that black dumpsters are the best.
Michaela - 2003-09-04 00:26:45
alright, Sarah, now you're starting to piss me off... All you've talked about for as long as I've known you is grad school... Two months ago you didn't even know you'd be where you are now... Nothing is less fulfilling than Shoetopia and you *know* this, dude! We're talking about dying happy, not rich. You love your music. Let yourself love it, okay?
Dr. J - 2003-09-04 00:36:43
Okay. I'm with Michaela on this one. If you go to school to get a job, you shouldn't be in grad school. That isn't what it's for, and you know it! You love music. You are going to school for music. If you go to school for the enjoyment of your calling, it is a beautiful life. At the very least, at the end of grad school, you will be a better flute geek, you will have learned more about the things that you are so obviously interested in, and *gasp* you will have spent time away from home and YOU WILL LOVE IT. You have to leave sometime, my dear. Trust me on this. You WILL BE GLAD YOU DID THIS. Besides, you are at the school you always wanted attend??? Then Love It. Run with it. Live the dream. Don't give up. You can do it! *And I would like to add that i am writing all this despite the knowledge that I myself may fail at getting a Master's as of Friday at 11am (post Greek exam).* I do not do this only because I want a job. I do this because I love it. And you do too.
Aaron - 2003-09-04 00:38:54
I agree with the above, but I'm more interested in who you want to be close to? Gossip!
Sandra - 2003-09-04 07:41:19
I shouldn't talk, but I really agree with the others on that - even if it's easier said than done. Everything will get better, if you just let it - I'm sure! *hugs*
Andrew - 2003-09-04 08:52:30
Blargnesossity! That's awesome! And don't worry, you'll be okay - and, well, I guess you could always go back to Sears ;) as much fun as that sounds... hehe. Talk to you soon!
Sarah - 2003-09-04 09:51:47
Thanks guys. :) I'm off to go beg for money now.
Colleen - 2003-09-04 11:10:38
That stinks about the begging for money. Thanks for your note. I appreciate it and tomarrow is Friday. I just wish it was Friday and that it was Friday in the evening...Now that would be what I want..and by the way, it will get better for you..
skibigsky - 2003-09-04 11:11:41
My personal take on the 'advanced degrees'? If nothing else, they are a reminder that you could have made something with your life, if you had wanted to. Seriously. I have a Ph.D., and I am making a whopping $32,000/year. Woo-hoo. (Or not.) But I've got the damn thing, and even if my cat and I end up living in a dumpster at some point in the not-too-distant future (a distinct possibility, the way my finances are going), I've still got the silly degree. And that says something. Besides, going to grad school beats the hell out of getting a real job. Trust me on this one - I was the perpetual grad student... Good luck, and does the town have a pawn shop where you could pawn the flute until the loan money comes in?

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