
nudeplatypus - 2003-07-21 12:12:17
I'm pretty sure there are people that I would maim for a furnished apartment for $565 with utilties paid. I
Michaela - 2003-07-21 12:22:28
Sarah, go get it! That's a god-send. Anywhere in the country, that would be considered a "steal". Fucking shit. I'd love that deal.
KFH - 2003-07-21 13:46:05
Must say, it's a pretty sweet price and so close to school! I pay (a little) more than that for just a studio so it sounds like you should take it. TAKE IT!!!!!
Pandionna - 2003-07-21 14:50:14
Know what a 1 BR goes for in Washington D.C. or northern Virginia? Unfurnished? About $1,000. My old one is going for $1,100. I've seen furnished ones running for $1,900. Run, not walk, to that rental office! P.S. I know you weren't serious. Neither was I. Crazy people usually aren't. Ha ha hee hee ho ho... Heh.
Tari - 2003-07-21 18:18:25
Damn, you better jump on that!! It almost doesn't matter where it is - $565 for a furnished 1 BR with utilities included is a steeeeeeal!! If it's in any sort of metropolitan area, call the lady back and take it, quick, before someone else does!!
Andrew - 2003-07-21 19:44:00
You're damn right you gotta get outta there! Take it! Take it!

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