
Pandionna - 2003-07-20 23:51:18
Hey now, I'm 36! They're coming to take me away today ha ha hee hee ho ho...
Kelly - 2003-07-21 00:04:57
Go check right now. *hugs*
Elana The Detested - 2003-07-21 02:26:18
well i have no ankles and it sucks. *huggies*
mangoboy - 2003-07-21 07:15:52
*hug* - *closes eyes, imagines ankles* -hey, nice ankles!
Cookie - 2003-07-21 09:10:21
You said froofroo! I love that word! Froofroo! So fun! I had mocha Java this morning, can we tell?! Have fun at Sears! Or not. Whatever.
Andrew - 2003-07-21 10:03:11
One of my friends Freshman year was from somewhere in the middle east, where he said ankles were just about the only part of a woman you'd get to see - he taught us to be ankle critics, afterwards :)
skibigsky - 2003-07-21 12:00:53
Don't knock the crazy cat lady thing. I aspire to be a crazy cat lady in my old age. (Maybe we could start a Crazy Cat Lady Convention...)

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