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Too tired for entry titles
2003-08-22 - 6:43 p.m.

I'm very sleepy and my mommy and my sister are coming tomorrow and yes I am actually sitting in the computer lab with the pretense of doing actual work on a Friday night, so instead of writing an actual entry, I will steal this survey from the marvelous Dr. Jenny:

:::10 bands you've been listening to lately::: (note: I've really just been listening to the radio a lot lately, but here goes)

01. The Beatles

02. Coldplay

03. der... other stuff on the radio?

04. the classical station (they played good stuff in the middle of the night when I was reading ethnomusicology shizznat)

05. .......

06. does hearing the marching band practicing all the time count?

07. ........

08. no?

09. .........

10. alrighty then (this is pitiful)

:::09 things you look forward to:::

01. seeing my mom and sister tomorrow

02. my birthday (I guess)

03. my first flute lesson

04. concerts concerts concerts!

05. the first football game! WOO to the HOO times INFINITY.

06. fall break (a.k.a. going home and going to an entirely different school's Homecoming :) :) )

07. Christmas

08. getting a masters so as to get the hell out of school and start my career as a penniless flute player with scads and scads of loans

09. going to Disneyworld? um yeah I dunno

:::8 things you like to wear:::

01. various old marching band apparel

02. especially the infamous "We really know how to blow" flute shirt

03. my nifty beady necklace

04. my ratty Bumblefuck U. mesh shorts

05. bootcut jeans bootcut jeans bootcut jeans

06. my little black dress (if only I had an actual occasion)

07. the hooker height strappy black heels that go with said dress :)

08. my blue pajama pants with the green kittens on them

:::07 things that annoy you:::

01. stupid people

02. sweet pickles

03. my apparent lack of loan funding for the semester

04. creamy peanut butter

05. the fact that I can't find a decent part time job in these here parts

06. peonies

07. air conditioning

:::06 things you touch everyday:::

01. my toothbrush

02. my poor little rosebuh (plants need love too :( )

03. my hair

04. my flute

05. a black pen of some sort

06. soap

:::05 things you do everyday:::

01. go online

02. sit and stare at the phone until no one calls anyway

03. play Tetris on said phone (yeah okay at least I should have cable on Monday)

04. drink water

05. wear underwear

::: 04 people you want to spend more time with:::

01. my sister

02. the people at home that I hadn't seen in a long time (I know, that's more than one)

03. my little cousins (another cop out)

04. my flute

:::03 movies you could watch over and over again:::

01. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

02. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

03. The Princess Bride

:::02 of your favorite songs at the moment:::

01. Coldplay - "Clocks"

02. Beethoven - Symphony no. 7 (I actually talked in class today because of good old Ludwig)

:::01 song you hate:::

01. meh, can't think of one now, my brain is too tired to hate stuff

Um yeah. I'm going to actually print out whatever it is I need to print out and go make some s'ghetti (second time this week) and then sleep for an extended amount of time). Happy Friday all. :)

Oh- everyone go tell Cookie Happy Birthday tomorrow! She's my long lost one day older twin, and therefore awesome. Yeah. :)


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