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Diaryversary. What what now?
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Oh hai, part deux.
Oh hai.

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Help, there is an Unidentified Furry Object sitting on my lap and purring!
2003-07-18 - 4:02 p.m.

Ok. Some notes:

-So my sister dragged me (and my mom, the transportation, har har) to the teensy little college (or the "fake college", as I called it, whispering to my sister at the beginning of the presentation- I am so, so evil!) on the other side of Bumblefuck today for the tour thing. Bo-ring. I had never actually set foot on this particular campus before. I don't think I've been missing a whole lot. It was nice, in a very run-of-the-mill, teensy way. Gah. The tour people made it clear that all of the classes are taught by actual professors and not teaching assistants. What's the fun of that?? One of my fondest memories from freshman year occurred in the biology lab. Our assignment was to dissect a(n) (insert animal here) and show what we did to the TA. Sweet holy jeebus, I had the hottest TA in the history of hot TA's. I just wanted to throw away that (insert animal here) and jump him right in the middle of the lab. Sheesh. None of my actual professors were that hot. Excuse me, none of them were hot at all. So that, my current college-searching friends, is the number one reason why you should go to a large university: hot TA's. :)

-At any rate, my sister was not impressed with the tour either. But she just wanted to go to see what a college tour is like. Pah-ha. Tours. I did no such thing.

-Afterwards, through my successful navigational skills, we ended up back at a *real* campus. :) Or around it anyway, to look at the rose garden. So, so, so pretty. I'd never actually seen the roses in full bloom before. Such loveliness.

-Then, after I successfully navigated my way out of the back of the park (I had to disguise the fact to my mom that, indeed, I had no clue where I was going. She has no sense of direction whatsoever and it is a miracle she consented to go from Teensy College up to the university.), we headed off to Restaurant B, the site of much band camp fun in the past. Well actually, a different location of Restaurant B, but you get the idea. Crab dib and key lime pie are Very Good Things. Mmmmmmm crab. ;)

-Then we went to the Ukrainian/Russian/Polish/Whatever (I've never figured out exactly which it technically is) grocery store and I purchased large quantities of candy. And then, at the used bookstore closest there, I walked out with a beginning flute book (hey, I could teach lessons someday..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) and Lady Chatterley's Lover, just because. Please tell me it's more interesting (read: dirtier) than Sons and Lovers because that book was just awful.

-My cat is sitting half on the chair and half on one leg (half on half of my lap?) and is staring at me expectantly, as if I'm going to pet her or something. Hahaha.

-What is the connection between being A) a geek, B) refusing to (being afraid to) grow up, and C) being afraid of everything? I can see connections between A and B, B and C, and A to B to C in a kind of chain of events type thing. But I don't see any direct connection between A and C. Sorry, just a topic of conversation that confuses me.

I suddenly feel all annoying. So maybe I will go away and shut up. but, let me sum up:

-I should personally decide where everyone goes to school. I should start a college matching service. Like a dating service. Only geekier.

-Roses are pretty.

-I like food.

-I like food with writing on it that I can not read.

-I like books.

-There is a cat on me.

-I am a geek who, in my fear of everything, refuses to grow up. Or something like that.

That is all. Yeah. So I'm going to go make with the unannoyingness and shit now. Bubbye. :)


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