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This is directed to.....???
2002-10-01 - 7:53 p.m.

Well. As it happens, I have an entire, HOMEMADE, doesn't look quite like the picture but probably tastes ten times more wonderful, beautiful key lime pie in my fridge right now, just begging me to give in and sink my teeth into that delectable limey goodness.

But I don't want it! I DON'T WANT IT! I DON'T WANT IT! I DON'T WANT IT!!!!!

My dad wouldn't touch the stuff, I know that for a fact. The old lady that lives next door is a diabetic and can't eat sweets. I used to bring brownies to the grocery store, yes, but I don't think they've ever heard of a key lime pie. They think putting sliced tomatoes on a hamburger is "cultured". As much as I love my cat, I am not going to feed her an entire pie.

Now I know I'm a freak for having such a favorite dessert as this. Not chocolate cream pie or apple pie. But I know there are people out there that think key lime pie is "alright", or "not ewww", or they "have no strong feelings towards it one way or another". One of those people should be here now. They could be eating pie. I can make pie, dammit! That is a good reason to hang out with me. Please...? I don't live that far away.... :(

Do you think I like it that God is punishing me for living in a hicktown, having no license (yes, again, I'm 22 and I have no license- just laugh at another time, please), and liking desserts made with the juice of green citrus fruits? Do you think I enjoy the divine retribution for not being in graduate school this semester and generally letting my brain and my flute playing rot? Well I really don't. I know I'm a failure in many ways, but that doesn't make me less of a good cook, or less of my quiet, sweet, goofy self.

I know people are busy. Is everyone really too busy for pie? Is everyone too busy to make me smile, just for a minute, to break up the monotony of my dull, little life? I know I ask so much, but you'll get a pie in return.


Please excuse that little editorial. I'm not really sure who that was directed to, because I'm not really sure who I'm thinking of reads this anyway. Anyway, Happy Rocktober! I think. This week, I will start getting my act together and apply for graduate housing and look into more loans and such for January. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. As much as this hellhole and the people here have this eerily hypnotic power of growing on me... eww, that only shows how much I need to get out!

I wonder when the first chamber orchestra concert is? I'd really like to be back in an ensemble again. I hope they don't magically acquire another flute player for their December concert. That would annoy me beyond belief. Because my audition was the "shizzit" (I'm doing good!), according to Mr. My-Name-Rhymes-With-Waldo Conductor Man. Oh yes. Arrogant? Me? Nooooooo..... ;)

I handed in my application at the dollar store. Ohhh boy. Well, it wouldn't be Sears. And to think I said about Sears that it wouldn't be the grocery store! Well I do work tomorrow, so maybe work has improved with my time away from it? Arrrrgh. I just want someone to hand me a stupid master's degree so I can become a real musician and have day jobs that are actually necessary to pay for food and such. I don't think that made any sense, but oh well.

Anyway, I still miss people. That's all. Pie is no fun unless you can share it with someone.


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